Freeseer / freeseer

Designed for capturing presentations at conferences. Pre-fill a list of talks to record, record them, and upload them to YouTube with our YouTube Uploader.
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Problems when using "Double Quotes" in text fields in TalkDetailsWidget #618

Open benbuckley opened 9 years ago

benbuckley commented 9 years ago

If you double-click on a talk title in the tableview in the Talk Editor, then you can create a talk title that has double quotes in it, e.g. Lecture 1: "An Introduction to Software". This is good. However, if you try to change the title like this using the TalkDetailsWidget below, the change doesn't get saved, and if you try to create a new talk with that title, the talk doesn't get created. This problem doesn't come up with single quotes, or any other punctuation as far as I can tell.

Not necessarily the most urgent issue, but one I thought was worth mentioning.

(Full Disclosure: I discovered this while performing certain... other tests on the Talk Editor. You'll be pleased to know that calling a talk blah"); DROP TABLE presentations;-- doesn't do anything harmful.)