Freeseer / freeseer

Designed for capturing presentations at conferences. Pre-fill a list of talks to record, record them, and upload them to YouTube with our YouTube Uploader.
GNU General Public License v3.0
215 stars 110 forks source link

Is the Project Dead? #685

Open sunn-e opened 5 years ago

sunn-e commented 5 years ago

I tried to instll freeseer by pip install freesir and I got some error. I was looking for some solution and found that the last commit was in 2014. So is there anyone hangiung out here or the project is dead.

zxiiro commented 5 years ago

Greetings @sunn-e Freeseer is an inactive project and is effectively dead unless there is interest in taking over the project. I'm happy to help transition this project to a new team if there is interest to maintain it.

sunn-e commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the reply. I am pretty much interested in the project. I was actually looking for a screen recorder and stumbled upon this. I think it would be a good idea to reboot the project and have it usable. I would love to take over the project. I am currently on my own so if there is someone else who can help me I am willing to give my Sunday evenings to this project. That would have it ready within few weeks. What do you think?

zxiiro commented 5 years ago

@sunn-e you should have an invite to join the development team which should give you full write access to this repository. Let me know if you need anything else.

I can likely answer some questions about the project although I haven't touched Freeseer in a very, very long time so I might not remember everything but let me know if you get stuck.

sunn-e commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the invitation @zxiiro . I accepted it. One of my friend wants to help in the project too.

tush05tgsingh commented 5 years ago

@zxiiro I would also like to help with the project

zxiiro commented 5 years ago

@tush05tgsingh you should have an invite now as well.

voanhcuoc commented 4 years ago

@sunn-e I'd love to port it to python3 too. How can I help?

sunn-e commented 4 years ago

@voanhcuoc , That's good to hear. You can fork the repository and send appropriate PRs. Look into this. Also make sure to setup a new virtual environment so that this project won't mess with your other libraries. :)

dideler commented 2 years ago

As the project hasn't really been maintained in years I'm going to archive it. This provides clarity on the status of the project and prevents new issues and pull requests from being opened. Archived projects can be unarchived, meaning the decision is reversible if interest is regained.