Frege / frege-interpreter

Frege Interpreter
15 stars 7 forks source link

Does not compile with 3.22.524 #18

Closed mperry closed 9 years ago

mperry commented 9 years ago

Build message on my machine is below, this looks the same as the Travis CI build (

D:\repositories\frege-interpreter>gradlew clean build :frege-interpreter-core:clean :frege-interpreter-distribution:clean :frege-interpreter-java-support:clean :frege-script-engine:clean :frege-interpreter-java-support:compileFrege runtime 0.493 wallclock seconds. :frege-interpreter-java-support:compileJava warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.7 Note: D:\repositories\frege-interpreter\frege-interpreter-java-support\src\main\java\frege\interpret er\javasupport\ uses or overrides a deprecated API. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details. Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. 1 warning :frege-interpreter-java-support:compileGroovy UP-TO-DATE :frege-interpreter-java-support:processResources UP-TO-DATE :frege-interpreter-java-support:classes :frege-interpreter-java-support:jar :frege-interpreter-core:compileJava UP-TO-DATE :frege-interpreter-core:compileFrege parsing D:\repositories\frege-interpreter\frege-interpreter-core\src\main\frege\frege\interpreter\Fr Compiler.Classes: no rebuild needed because module exists on class path and no source available. Compiler.Typecheck: no rebuild needed because module exists on class path and no source available. Compiler.enums.Flags: no rebuild needed because module exists on class path and no source available.

frege.Prelude: no rebuild needed because module exists on class path and no source available. Compiler.GenMeta: no rebuild needed because module exists on class path and no source available. Compiler.GenJava7: no rebuild needed because module exists on class path and no source available. Compiler.common.CompilerOptions: no rebuild needed because module exists on class path and no source available. Compiler.grammar.Lexer: no rebuild needed because module exists on class path and no source availabl e. Compiler.types.External: no rebuild needed because module exists on class path and no source availab le. Compiler.enums.TokenID: no rebuild needed because module exists on class path and no source availabl e. Compiler.passes.Enter: no rebuild needed because module exists on class path and no source available . Compiler.classes.Nice: no rebuild needed because module exists on class path and no source available . Compiler.Transform: no rebuild needed because module exists on class path and no source available. Compiler.passes.Instances: no rebuild needed because module exists on class path and no source avail able. Compiler.common.Desugar: no rebuild needed because module exists on class path and no source availab le. Compiler.passes.Transdef: no rebuild needed because module exists on class path and no source availa ble. Compiler.passes.Imp: no rebuild needed because module exists on class path and no source available. Compiler.passes.TypeAlias: no rebuild needed because module exists on class path and no source avail able. Compiler.grammar.Frege: no rebuild needed because module exists on class path and no source availabl e. Compiler.types.Packs: no rebuild needed because module exists on class path and no source available.

Control.monad.State: no rebuild needed because module exists on class path and no source available. Compiler.passes.Fix: no rebuild needed because module exists on class path and no source available. Compiler.types.Positions: no rebuild needed because module exists on class path and no source availa ble. Compiler.types.SNames: no rebuild needed because module exists on class path and no source available . Compiler.types.SourceDefinitions: no rebuild needed because module exists on class path and no sourc e available. Compiler.types.Tokens: no rebuild needed because module exists on class path and no source available . Compiler.common.Resolve: no rebuild needed because module exists on class path and no source availab le. Compiler.types.NSNames: no rebuild needed because module exists on class path and no source availabl e. Compiler.types.Global: no rebuild needed because module exists on class path and no source available . Compiler.common.Errors: no rebuild needed because module exists on class path and no source availabl e. Compiler.passes.Fields: no rebuild needed because module exists on class path and no source availabl e. Data.TreeMap: no rebuild needed because module exists on class path and no source available. Java.util.Regex: no rebuild needed because module exists on class path and no source available. Control.arrow.Kleisli: no rebuild needed because module exists on class path and no source available . Control.monad.Reader: no rebuild needed because module exists on class path and no source available.

Data.List: no rebuild needed because module exists on class path and no source available. Compiler.types.QNames: no rebuild needed because module exists on class path and no source available . Prelude.PreludeIO: no rebuild needed because module exists on class path and no source available. Prelude.PreludeList: no rebuild needed because module exists on class path and no source available. Lib.PP: no rebuild needed because module exists on class path and no source available. Prelude.PreludeText: no rebuild needed because module exists on class path and no source available. Prelude.PreludeMonad: no rebuild needed because module exists on class path and no source available.

Prelude.PreludeBase: no rebuild needed because module exists on class path and no source available. Compiler.types.Symbols: no rebuild needed because module exists on class path and no source availabl e. Ide.Utilities: no rebuild needed because module exists on class path and no source available. Prelude.PreludeArrays: no rebuild needed because module exists on class path and no source available . Compiler.types.Types: no rebuild needed because module exists on class path and no source available.

Interpreter.FregeInterpreter: compiling because class file doesn't exist W D:\repositories\frege-interpreter\frege-interpreter-core\src\main\frege\frege\interpreter\FregeInt hiding previously (line 6) imported alias for instance Lang.PrimitiveArrayElement_Byte through instance PrimitiveArrayEl ement_Byte W D:\repositories\frege-interpreter\frege-interpreter-core\src\main\frege\frege\interpreter\FregeInt ST.performUnsafe: You are breaking the rules. Expect an arbitrary result and program crashes. W D:\repositories\frege-interpreter\frege-interpreter-core\src\main\frege\frege\interpreter\FregeInt ST.performUnsafe: You are breaking the rules. Expect an arbitrary result and program crashes. W D:\repositories\frege-interpreter\frege-interpreter-core\src\main\frege\frege\interpreter\FregeInt ST.performUnsafe: You are breaking the rules. Expect an arbitrary result and program crashes. W D:\repositories\frege-interpreter\frege-interpreter-core\src\main\frege\frege\interpreter\FregeInt ST.performUnsafe: You are breaking the rules. Expect an arbitrary result and program crashes. W D:\repositories\frege-interpreter\frege-interpreter-core\src\main\frege\frege\interpreter\FregeInt ST.performUnsafe: You are breaking the rules. Expect an arbitrary result and program crashes. W D:\repositories\frege-interpreter\frege-interpreter-core\src\main\frege\frege\interpreter\FregeInt ST.performUnsafe: You are breaking the rules. Expect an arbitrary result and program crashes. W D:\repositories\frege-interpreter\frege-interpreter-core\src\main\frege\frege\interpreter\FregeInt ST.performUnsafe: You are breaking the rules. Expect an arbitrary result and program crashes. W D:\repositories\frege-interpreter\frege-interpreter-core\src\main\frege\frege\interpreter\FregeInt ST.performUnsafe: You are breaking the rules. Expect an arbitrary result and program crashes. W D:\repositories\frege-interpreter\frege-interpreter-core\src\main\frege\frege\interpreter\FregeInt ST.performUnsafe: You are breaking the rules. Expect an arbitrary result and program crashes. W D:\repositories\frege-interpreter\frege-interpreter-core\src\main\frege\frege\interpreter\FregeInt data type Lang.Byte is already an instance of class PrimitiveArrayElement (Lang.PrimitiveArrayElement_Byte introduced on line 1) W D:\repositories\frege-interpreter\frege-interpreter-core\src\main\frege\frege\interpreter\FregeInt data type Lang.Byte is already an instance of class ArrayElem (Lang.PrimitiveArrayElement_Byte introduced on line 1) W D:\repositories\frege-interpreter\frege-interpreter-core\src\main\frege\frege\interpreter\FregeInt data type Lang.Byte is already an instance of class JavaType (Lang.PrimitiveArrayElement_Byte introduced on line 1) E D:\repositories\frege-interpreter\frege-interpreter-core\src\main\frege\frege\interpreter\FregeInt Non pure native type InterpreterClassLoader must be MutableIO InterpreterClassLoader in IO actions. E D:\repositories\frege-interpreter\frege-interpreter-core\src\main\frege\frege\interpreter\FregeInt Non pure native type InterpreterClassLoader must be MutableIO InterpreterClassLoader in IO actions. E D:\repositories\frege-interpreter\frege-interpreter-core\src\main\frege\frege\interpreter\FregeInt Non pure native type InterpreterClassLoader must be Mutable s InterpreterClassLoader in ST actions. H D:\repositories\frege-interpreter\frege-interpreter-core\src\main\frege\frege\interpreter\FregeInt immutable frege.interpreter.javasupport.InterpreterClassLoader cannot be used as su btype of mutable only E D:\repositories\frege-interpreter\frege-interpreter-core\src\main\frege\frege\interpreter\FregeInt type error in expression classLoader state type is InterpreterClassLoader used as Net.URLClassLoader H D:\repositories\frege-interpreter\frege-interpreter-core\src\main\frege\frege\interpreter\FregeInt immutable frege.interpreter.javasupport.InterpreterClassLoader cannot be used as su btype of mutable only E D:\repositories\frege-interpreter\frege-interpreter-core\src\main\frege\frege\interpreter\FregeInt type error in expression default type is InterpreterClassLoader used as Net.URLClassLoader Interpreter.FregeInterpreter: build failed because of compilation errors. Build failed. runtime 9.453 wallclock seconds. :frege-interpreter-core:compileFrege FAILED

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.


Total time: 45.373 secs


mperry commented 9 years ago

Any chance of looking into this @mmhelloworld?

mmhelloworld commented 9 years ago

Yes, I am working on it currently. frege-interpreter is not compatible with the new version and so are frege-repl and try-frege. It is almost done. All the 3 projects now work with the new version but I am still working on a new UI for the online REPL. I will push these changes either today or tomorrow EST.

mperry commented 9 years ago

I think this is the last issue before moving the gradle plugin to using 3.22.524, so your progress sounds really promising.

mperry commented 9 years ago

Looks like this is resolved by #19. Can this be closed @mmhelloworld?

mmhelloworld commented 9 years ago

Yes, this can be closed. I just now got a successful build on Travis and merged my changes to master. Thanks for reporting this issue and following up!