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No package information for editors/vscode #570

Closed grahamperrin closed 3 weeks ago

grahamperrin commented 3 weeks ago and dev

No package information for this port in our database

Sometimes this happens. Not all ports have packages.

Wayback Machine reminds me that we usually do have a table of packages for this port.

dlangille commented 3 weeks ago

Based upon I did this:

[11:36 empty dvl ~/tmp] % fetch
packagesite.txz                                       7112 kB   10 MBps    01s
[11:37 empty dvl ~/tmp] % unxz packagesite.txz                                                    
[11:37 empty dvl ~/tmp] % tar -xf packagesite.tar

This command pulls the data into a csv file for later import into PostgreSQL:

[11:37 empty dvl ~/tmp] % jq -rc --arg ABI "FreeBSD:14:amd64" --arg BRANCH "quarterly" '[$ABI, $BRANCH, .origin, .name, .version] | @tsv' < ./packagesite.yaml > packagesite.csv

What do we have have now:

[11:38 empty dvl ~/tmp] % ls -l
total 37443
-rw-r--r--  1 dvl dvl  2402325 2024.06.14 11:38 packagesite.csv
-rw-r--r--  1 dvl dvl 53688320 2024.06.13 12:24 packagesite.tar
-rw-r--r--  1 dvl dvl 53684475 2024.06.13 12:23 packagesite.yaml
-rw-r--r--  1 dvl dvl      451 1970.01.01 00:00
-rw-r--r--  1 dvl dvl      256 1970.01.01 00:00 packagesite.yaml.sig

The downloaded data contains vscode, but it's not editors/vscode, it'sdevel/py-debugpy`.

[11:38 empty dvl ~/tmp] % grep vscode packagesite.yaml {"name":"py39-debugpy","origin":"devel/py-debugpy","version":"1.8.1","comment":"Implementation of the Debug Adapter Protocol for Python","maintainer":"","www":"","abi":"FreeBSD:14:amd64","arch":"freebsd:14:x86:64","prefix":"/usr/local","sum":"9b030f7eae7b97b504df451d9bfea7c9c60dfa5f5215a4a2b28d8d9cb6d9daa1","flatsize":14871946,"path":"All/py39-debugpy-1.8.1.pkg","repopath":"All/py39-debugpy-1.8.1.pkg","licenselogic":"or","licenses":["EPL","MIT"],"pkgsize":1769361,"desc":"This debugger implements the Debug Adapter Protocol: debugProtocol.json [1].\n\n[1]","deps":{"python39":{"origin":"lang/python39","version":"3.9.18_2"}},"categories":["devel","python"],"annotations":{"build_timestamp":"2024-04-09T01:15:36+0000","ports_top_git_hash":"c5cd82114","ports_top_checkout_unclean":"no","port_git_hash":"b3aa1ea86","port_checkout_unclean":"no","built_by":"poudriere-git-3.4.1-1-g1e9f97d6","flavor":"py39","FreeBSD_version":"1400097"}}

That's why FreshPorts has nothing. It's not being built.

dlangille commented 3 weeks ago

Clicking on the fallout icon at we get to:

Screenshot 2024-06-14 at 7 49 32 AM

Seems it's failing to build.

dlangille commented 3 weeks ago

My offline test website now shows this:

Screenshot 2024-06-14 at 7 58 27 AM

"No package information for this port in our database Sometimes this happens. Not all ports have packages. Perhaps there is a build error. Check the fallout link: link goes here"

dlangille commented 3 weeks ago

Now pulled into dev:

dlangille commented 3 weeks ago

With this change comes Python 3.11 (good bye Python 3.9).

Installed on dev, test, and stage for a bit of testing before going to other locations.

dlangille commented 3 weeks ago

Now in production.

grahamperrin commented 3 weeks ago

… That's why FreshPorts has nothing. It's not being built.


FWIW, I'm 99% certain that repo-specific use of pkg-search(8) did find vscode when I opened this issue, which is why the apparent absence of all packages seemed inconsistent.

I can't be certain, I didn't keep notes. My bad.

Now, for reference only:

% pkg info vscode | grep -A 10 Annotations
Annotations    :
        FreeBSD_version: 1500018
        build_timestamp: 2024-05-29T18:08:42+0000
        built_by       : poudriere-git-3.4.1-30-g79e3edcd
        port_checkout_unclean: no
        port_git_hash  : 83bca6ccdd3
        ports_top_checkout_unclean: no
        ports_top_git_hash: b6f9255af15
        repo_type      : binary
        repository     : FreeBSD-ports
Flat size      : 320MiB
% uname -KU
1500019 1500019
% pkg iinfo vscode
dlangille commented 3 weeks ago

Right now:

[0:23 empty dvl /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos] % sudo pkg update
Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue...
FreeBSD repository is up to date.
Updating local repository catalogue...
local repository is up to date.
All repositories are up to date.
[0:23 empty dvl /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos] % sudo pkg search vscode
[0:23 empty dvl /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos] % 

[0:23 empty dvl /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos] % pkg -vv | grep url
    url             : "pkg+",
    url             : "https://[redacted]/packages/FreeBSD:14:amd64",
[0:24 empty dvl /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos] %