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[Bug] cURL error 6: Could not resolve host #6539

Open roughnecks opened 3 weeks ago

roughnecks commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the bug

I see a triangle near a few feeds recently and then looking at the logs panel, I find a lot of lines stating what I wrote in title: cURL error 6: Could not resolve host <hostname>[feed_url]

I can curl <feed_address> just fine from the server terminal and dig host also resolves. Also, it looks to me it actually does fetch news, even when there are failed attempts.

To Reproduce

Just let it fetch news as you always do. No particular steps needed.

Expected behavior

It should get news without errors or "not get" news with actual errors.

FreshRSS version


Environment information

Additional context

No response

Alkarex commented 3 weeks ago

Is it for all the feeds, or only some of the feeds?

roughnecks commented 3 weeks ago

Is it for all the feeds, or only some of the feeds?

It's not all, but several. Those one have repeated entries in logs.

roughnecks commented 3 weeks ago

One thing that could matter, now that I think about it, was me switching from nextdns to cloudflare in resolved.conf. I have 2 entries for v4 and 2 for v6 and also DNSOverTLS=yes

roughnecks commented 3 weeks ago

Sorry for the many messages, but I'm also seeing this kind of issue:

cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 20001

Alkarex commented 3 weeks ago

This is most likely unrelated to FreshRSS but instead due to an unreliable DNS / network setup or configuration.

Test a basic connection by creating a file ./FreshRSS/p/test.php

$ch = curl_init('');
curl_setopt_array($ch, [
        CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 15,
        CURLOPT_ENCODING => '', //Enable all encodings
        CURLOPT_VERBOSE => 1,   // To debug sent HTTP headers
echo curl_errno($ch), ' (', curl_strerror(curl_errno($ch)), '). ', curl_error($ch);

And then access it via your Web browser Try multiple times, and try to change the URL from to other examples.

roughnecks commented 3 weeks ago

I tried multiple times with a few sites, it always reports 0 (No error)