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Add article for #21 #24

Closed marienfressinaud closed 9 years ago

marienfressinaud commented 9 years ago


By the way, it could be great if you (@aledeg and @Alkarex) can subscribe to mailings… if you want and if you have time to participate of course! I know you're kind of busy these days and I don't want to force you :).

In the next days I will begin my road-trip around France so I will have a lot less time to contribute and participate to FRSS / mailings (even if I will have a tablet so I'll be able to send few messages).

marienfressinaud commented 9 years ago

Fixed! :)

Alkarex commented 9 years ago

Ok, I have subscribed to both mailing lists :-)

aledeg commented 9 years ago

I registered as well

marienfressinaud commented 9 years ago

Thanks! \o/ The article will be published tomorrow.