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Image proxying ? #41

Closed Gougere89 closed 5 years ago

Gougere89 commented 5 years ago

Hello, First thank you for your work, it is working perfectly, even with a lot of feeds!

I would be interested in a new feature: Image proxying.

I mean, for instance on the Reading view, images are loaded from the external feed or source; which creates two "problems":

Thus, it would be great to add a setting to proxy images.

Thank you!

Frenzie commented 5 years ago

Technically this is only for the website. Issues with the software itself can be reported here:

But in this case I think my ImageProxy extension should probably cover your use case:

Gougere89 commented 5 years ago


Thank you for that fast answer. I am very sorry I misread and use the wrong repo. Thank you also for the extension, it's definitely what I need.

I close the issue.