Freshdachs / Reaction-Times

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Contact author of "retimes" in order to get his reaction time data #1

Open lidox opened 7 years ago

lidox commented 7 years ago

Mail abgesendet: Hello Davide,

My name is Artur and I am Masters Student. At the moment I learn a lot about bayesian statistics, because I need to develop a smartphone app to do some basic reaction tests.

During my research I found your package 'retimes' for R. Thanks so much! The ex-gaussian model is very helpful for me. You saved my time! :)

Now my question: Do you have any basic reaction time data for me in order to use it in R? So for example I can use the data as a prior. Having example data makes things a lot of easier.

Thank you in advance, Artur Schäfer

lidox commented 7 years ago

We got an answer! :D :D

Dear Artur,

sorry for the delay in my response, but during this period I was very busy. I read with very pleasure your e-mail! The package retimes, in reality, implements a very "classic" estimation method and it provides basic functions to estimate reaction times (another option that I like very much to manage reaction times is the gamlss package).

Your project is very interesting. I will be very curious to try your app when the first development will be concluded!

So, you need to reaction time data. Currently, I'm not working with reaction times because I'm working on psychometric tests for a private company. However, I should have some data produced by me. Do you need to specific features (for instance, experimental conditions)?


Davide Massidda