Freshwater-Initiative / NooksackWaterBudget

Water data and models to support water resource professionals and their salmon recovery partners working with the WRIA 1 Joint Board on water supply planning and instream flow negotiations.
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Location of WRIA 1 surface water diversions #8

Open ChristinaB opened 6 years ago

ChristinaB commented 6 years ago

Irrigation Diversions: (LNWB Chapter 7) Since measured diversion or withdrawal records are not available, an estimate of crop irrigation requirements was developed using an empirically derived calculation of water demand. Drainage-wide irrigation estimates are based on the acres irrigated, type of crop, method of irrigation, and soil types. For irrigation users, we use in-basin location at the outlet of the drainage as the diversion location

Non-agricultural Diversions (LNWB Chapter 8) Non-agricultural water use is divided into three sections: municipal/industrial, residential, and commercial/industrial. The utilities that serve municipal/industrial customers in the Lower Nooksack Subbasin include the City of Bellingham, the City of Everson, the City of Ferndale, the City of Lynden, and the PUD #1 of Whatcom County. For these utilities,large municipal users water system records were obtained for years 2007 through– 2011. Averages for this five year period were used in the model for water useusage, return flows, and interbasin transfers. The average annual diversion by the large utilities municipalities in our analysis totals nearly 25 cfs, 82% of which are transferred out of the Nooksack basin. The majority of that water serves Cherry Point industries; a small amount serves out-of-basin irrigators. For non-agricultural users, Topne uses in-basin location at the outlet of the drainage as the diversion location; MODFLOW should use the municipal plant locations

Interbasin Transfers (LNWB Chapter 8) In addition to the in-basin uses of water, deliveries outside the basin occur, most notably the PUD’s diversion from the Nooksack River to Cherry Point. This is by far the largest non-agricultural water use in the Nooksack Basin supplying BP’s Cherry Point Refinery, Alcoa Intalco Works, Conoco Phillips, and Tenaska. The PUD also supplies a relatively small amount of water to irrigators outside the Lower Nooksack Subbasin. Water supplied to Grandview Industrial Center, which is situated outside the boundaries of the study area, is derived from wells also located outside the study area. Consequently, this water supply is not included in the Lower Nooksack Water Budget 2012 analysis. For interbasin transfers, Topnet uses in-basin location at the outlet of the drainage as the diversion location; MODFLOW could use the municipal plant locations if they are easily accessible


ChristinaB commented 6 years ago

Commercial Use - UserID and Place of Use (POU=DrainageID; e.g. Bertrand = 6) - see this spreadsheet posted on HydroShare

Population Use Water Use Calculations

-- data from Chapter 8 is available on LNWB Ch08 Water Management - industrial, residential, and commercial water use - data

-- data from Chapter 7 is available on LNWB Ch07 Water Management - Agricultural water use - data