Freshwater-Initiative / pyDHSVM

Python modules for interacting with the Distributed Hydrology Soil Vegetation Model (DHSVM)
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Read and write updated DHSVM forcing files & matching config inputs #1

Open ChristinaB opened 6 years ago

ChristinaB commented 6 years ago
ChristinaB commented 6 years ago

Purpose: Test sensitivity of a 3hr DHSVM model to various forcings. (Save 1hr for future model work in the Model Update Issue)

ChristinaB commented 6 years ago


Line 174 -181 have one location for the lowest elevation in the Sauk.

I recommend make the following names consistent with your climate forcing tests (e.g. 1sthour): climate forcing folder name or input file name (see line 181 e.g. DHSVMinput_Sauk57_raw_liv/sauk_base_station.data48.34375-121.34375 yours could be sauk_1base_1sthour/sauk_base_station.data48.34375-121.34375

output forcing folder name (see line 5396 output/DHSVMout_sauk_1sthour) Go to the output folder. Type > mkdir DHSVMout_sauk_1sthour now the folder exists and when you run the model check for results there. title of config file (e.g. sauk_1base_1sthour.config) climate forcing file - this is fine for when you have one station. sauk_base_station.data48.34375-121.34375

to be coded up for the full grid, the name should be data48.34375-121.34375

ChristinaB commented 6 years ago

Modelstate - the config file looks in the folder in Line 5397

Initial State Directory = modelstate/

In the modelstate/ directory, it must have the date name in the file the same as the start date
on Line 90
Model Start = 10/01/2006-00 # Model start time (MM/DD/YYYY-HH)

If you change the start date, copy and rename the files in the modelstate directory. There can be a different version for each start date in your experiments.

Channel.State.11.01.2006.00.00.00 Interception.State.11.01.2006.00.00.00.bin Snow.State.11.01.2006.00.00.00.bin Soil.State.11.01.2006.00.00.00.bin