Freshwater-Initiative / pyDHSVM

Python modules for interacting with the Distributed Hydrology Soil Vegetation Model (DHSVM)
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Designing maps for gridded precip effect on forcing thresholds #8

Open ChristinaB opened 6 years ago

ChristinaB commented 6 years ago
ChristinaB commented 6 years ago

Maps Maps are complete fields of a particular variable (state or flux) at a particular time. These can be output periodically, but take up a lot of space for any sizeable application. In the Configuration file you need to use the ID of the variable that you would like to output. Consult the list of variable IDs to find out which ID to use. The files are in BINARY or NETCDF format.

list of variable IDs

ChristinaB commented 6 years ago

Go to the end of config file and find an example like this. Edit for the dates you want water table depth - for example

################ MODEL MAPS #################################################### Number of Map Variables = 3 # Number of different variables for

which you want to output maps

For each of the variables make a block like the one that follows, varying the number of the variable (n = 1, .. , Number of Map Variables)

Map Variable 1 = 503 # 503= water table depth ID of the variable to output Map Layer 1 = 1 # If the variable exists for a number

of layers, specify the layers here

                  # with the top layer = 1

Number of Maps 1 = 8 # Number of maps you would like to Map Date 1 1 = 08/01/1987-00 # output for this variable Map Date 2 1 = 08/01/1988-00 # Vary the first number from Map Date 3 1 = 08/01/1989-00 Map Date 4 1 = 08/01/1990-00 Map Date 5 1 = 08/01/1991-00 Map Date 6 1 = 08/01/1992-00 Map Date 7 1 = 08/01/1993-00 Map Date 8 1 = 08/01/1994-00

ChristinaB commented 6 years ago

Try these

501 Soil.Moist Soil Moisture Content - Soil moisture for layer %d NC_FLOAT TRUE

  502 | Soil.Perc | Percolation | m/timestep | Percolation | NC_FLOAT | TRUE   503 | Soil.TableDepth | Water Table Depth | m below surface | Depth of water table | NC_FLOAT | FALSE

ChristinaB commented 6 years ago

Steps for converting DHSVM mapping output into a useful visualization

  1. DHSVM outputs a binary file that is the size of the DEM grid #columns wide #rows long for n=1 map. For multiple timesteps (t) for each map (m), the binary file will be size #columns wide: (#rows longt)_m The number of columns will never change, the #rows are appended based on the # MODEL MAPS # section in the config file. This binary file needs to be converted to an ascii the size of #columns wide: (#rows longt) for each map.

  2. From a unix machine, use this script with input giving the name of the new folder that will hold the processed data (mapDHSVMascii_outputfolder)


Change directory to output folder containing Map.Snow.Iwq.bin

./myconvert float ascii Map.Snow.Iwq.bin Map.Snow.Iwq.asc 5404 386

Output prints .asc to the same folder


Loop through multiple folders using command line myconvert script sits in the execution directory holding multiple folders - 1= DHSVMoutput_3hr 2= DHSVMoutput_1day

mkdir DHSVMoutputascii foreach F(DHSVMoutput) echo $F ./myconvert float ascii $F/Map.Snow.Iwq.bin $F/Map.Snow.Iwq.asc 5404 386 ./myconvert float ascii $F/Map.Soil.TableDepth.bin $F/Map.Soil.TableDepth.asc 5404 386 ./myconvert float ascii $F/Map.Snow.Swq.bin $F/Map.Snow.Swq.asc 5018 386 mkdir DHSVMoutput_ascii/$F cp $F/.asc DHSVMoutput_ascii/$F end

Most Advanced

Loop through multiple folders using a script


!process_me.scr mapDHSVMascii_outputfolder

What process_me.scr looks like:


set FULL_BAS_DIR = $1

foreach F(headeroffolders*) echo $F ./myconvert float ascii $F/Map.Snow.Iwq.bin $F/Map.Snow.Iwq.asc 5404 386 ./myconvert float ascii $F/Map.Soil.TableDepth.bin $F/Map.Soil.TableDepth.asc 5404 386 ./myconvert float ascii $F/Map.Snow.Swq.bin $F/Map.Snow.Swq.asc 5018 386

mkdir $FULL_BAS_DIR/$F cp $F/*.asc $FULL_BAS_DIR/$F


ChristinaB commented 6 years ago

See Project Log for Paper

ChristinaB commented 6 years ago
ChristinaB commented 6 years ago

After breaking ascii file into individual dates concatenate two files (in unix, with awk, with grep)

cat file1.txt file2.txt > new.txt cat header.txt snow_11090600.asc > snow_11090600_map.asc

ChristinaB commented 6 years ago

Mapping pipeline

  1. Update config file
  2. Run model
  3. Run script convert binary to ascii
  4. TO DO write script to break ascii into parts by date (there be a better way to do this in awk)
  5. Add header with lat/long info to the top of each ascii
  6. Open ascii into map for viz or movie or figure
ChristinaB commented 5 years ago

Set up pyDHSVM fork git clone of your fork do work git push pull request to FWI go away sync before working again

ChristinaB commented 5 years ago


(1) worked on transitioning over to python as my main scripting tool.

(2) created a description of the application of the forcing data temporal resolution effect on model ouput paper.

(3) began working on converting some of my matlab scripts to python.

Make priority list of code tasks and writing tasks for The Paper!

Update pyDHSVM on Github

ChristinaB commented 5 years ago

9/21/2018 Christina + Jeff Meeting

To visualize using PNNL data and OGH, see instructions on the Freshwater Observatory repo

ChristinaB commented 5 years ago

Data on rain and snow thresholds. Jennings, K. S., Winchell, T. S., Livneh, B., & Molotch, N. P. (2018). Spatial variation of the rain–snow temperature threshold across the Northern Hemisphere. Nature communications, 9(1), 1148. We are using this citation as justification for searching for rain - snow threshold band of 6 degrees.


ChristinaB commented 5 years ago

Kienzle, S. W. A new temperature based method to separate rain and snow. Hydrol. Process. 22, 5067–5085 (2008).

Here is another citation on 50% rain-snow threshold