Frewacom / pywalfox

Dynamic theming of Firefox (and Thunderbird) using your Pywal colors
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Auto Mode not changing to dark/light #103

Closed bergsm closed 1 year ago

bergsm commented 1 year ago


I seem to be having an issue with pywalfox auto mode not changing to light/dark automatically. I have auto mode set and I've set the interval as appropriate, however nothing happens after the time goes past the interval settings. If I make a change to the settings page, then the mode will change.

Any ideas why this behavior may be occurring?

This is on FF 107.0.1. I also disabled any additional add-ons which I thought may conflict, but still have the same results.

Thanks for any help!

Frewacom commented 1 year ago


It seems broken for me as well. Most likely this is the result of some other change, since the auto mode code has not been updated for over two years. I'll have a look when I find the time.


Frewacom commented 1 year ago

I pushed a new commit to the fix/auto-mode branch that updates the auto mode to use the built-in Alarms API. I believe it should be working now, but I have not had the time to properly test it.

Feel free to test it yourself and let me know if you find any issues. You can load the updated extension from the about:debugging page in Firefox by building the extension locally and selecting the extension/manifest.json file.

Frewacom commented 1 year ago

Should be fixed in latest version.