Frewacom / pywalfox

Dynamic theming of Firefox (and Thunderbird) using your Pywal colors
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Auto mode, auto time #107

Closed mjdvr closed 1 year ago

mjdvr commented 1 year ago

Would it be possible to get sunrise and sunset times based on a geo-location? This could be customized by the user, or set automatically by the use of browser geo-tracking.

Frewacom commented 1 year ago

This is definitely possible, but I don't think Firefox has any built-in API for this, so we would need to implement it ourselves.

In the meantime, if you are using something like redshift or similar, you could add a hook that is executed at sunrise/sunset and calls pywalfox light/pywalfox dark accordingly.

mjdvr commented 1 year ago

Thank for the response, I've found a way to hook the commands into the other software I'm using, and it works like a charm.