Frewacom / pywalfox

Dynamic theming of Firefox (and Thunderbird) using your Pywal colors
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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I think it's incompatible with Thunderbird 115 (Supernova) #116

Open aksel opened 8 months ago

aksel commented 8 months ago

Thunderbird 115 was a major update, with a lot of UI changes. It seems that it has broken some stuff in the extension.

I can fetch the pywal colors just fine, but the palette UI doesn't show the correct ones. Clicking on a color will show that it's actually the loaded color.


The palette template still updates correctly when clicking "Load from current", but the theme isn't applied properly.

I think it loads correctly when it's first installed, but then breaks on the subsequent launch. Not sure.

There's some strange behavior when trying to disable the theme, too. For me, it ends up switching back and forth from the defaul dark to light themes at some points. It'll consistently do it when navigating around in the "Add-ons and Themes" menu.

I also noticed this in the logs: Error: Warning processing colors.toolbar_field_separator: This color property is ignored in >= 89.