Frewacom / pywalfox

Dynamic theming of Firefox (and Thunderbird) using your Pywal colors
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Memory Leak? #129

Closed BzzzThe18th closed 3 weeks ago

BzzzThe18th commented 3 weeks ago

I was fiddling with setting on Pywalfox's extension, kind of cluelessly, I had enabled

Does not seem to do well, probably just that I'm enabling stuff willy nilly but there seems to be an issue with handling this behavior, as my RAM shot up from ~250MB to ~7GB. Persisted on restart, only noticeable after a while and just shoots sky high at that point. Might be caused by actually changing my wallpaper but some other stuff was happening too, like not changing color theme on startup. I can do some debugging stuff at another time if requested but not now.

BzzzThe18th commented 3 weeks ago

Should have done more debugging before making an issue, apologies. Issue was caused by something else.