Frewacom / pywalfox

Dynamic theming of Firefox (and Thunderbird) using your Pywal colors
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Less bright "Foreground" color #15

Closed LoLei closed 4 years ago

LoLei commented 4 years ago

I for one would like a less bright "Foreground" color, i.e. the one that is also used to highlight the current tab. I don't like glaring elements like that in the middle of my overall dark scheme. I realize I can change the color to something else in the settings temporarily, but that doesn't change the fetched color of the next pywal run.

Is there a possibility for a setting to permanently use a darker foreground color, i.e. a different color of the pywal scheme or just a darker shade of the currently used color, all the time?

Frewacom commented 4 years ago

As of now, there is no option to do this, but it should not be that hard to implement. I could look into creating some menu for selecting which colors to use for certain areas of the theme. The selections can then be saved as some sort of template and be reused whenever we fetch the colors again.

LoLei commented 4 years ago

That would be a great solution!

Frewacom commented 4 years ago

I have implemented a feature that allows you to select a color from the pywal palette to be used as the default color for background, foreground, etc. This is in the v1.5.0 branch as of now. What do you think?

LoLei commented 4 years ago

This is great, thanks!

Frewacom commented 4 years ago

I have merged this into the master branch. An update of both the addon and script is required. If there are any changes you would like to suggest, leave a comment here and I will reopen the issue.