Frewacom / pywalfox

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Removed sudos from setup file #18

Closed Jonnobrow closed 4 years ago

Jonnobrow commented 4 years ago

I have removed the sudos from the setup file as they shouldn't be required.

The ~/.mozilla directory is in the user space and therefore no root privileges are needed to modify files.

I discovered this when trying to install another native messaging host and seeing that it failed because Pywalfox had set root privileges on the ~/.mozilla/native-messaging-hosts directory.

Frewacom commented 4 years ago

Well, that was stupid of me. I never really thought of this, just assumed that you did not have access to it. I probably used sudo when I set everything up in the first place which caused the permissions to change.

What command did you use to restore the default privileges?

Thank you!

Jonnobrow commented 4 years ago

What command did you use to restore the default privileges?

I used chown username ~/.mozilla/native-messaging-host but an easier solution might be to delete the directory if you have no other messaging hosts and start again.

Glad I could help :)