Frewacom / pywalfox

Dynamic theming of Firefox (and Thunderbird) using your Pywal colors
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highlighted text unreadable pywalfox thunderbird #40

Closed zegheim closed 3 years ago

zegheim commented 3 years ago


I am currently using the latest version available in the add-ons website for both firefox and thunderbird. On firefox highlighted text automatically turns dark for readability purposes (see address bar below):


This is not the case when using the same theme on thunderbird, where highlighted text remains white and becomes unreadable. I was looking through thunderbird but there doesn't seem to be a way for me to access the pywalfox control panel unlike firefox?


Frewacom commented 3 years ago

The Pywalfox icon should be visible in the main toolbar: thunderbird toolbar

I am not sure why the text is not visible. For me it looks like this: mail highlight

EDIT: Perhaps you must add the Pywalfox icon manually to the toolbar by going to Menu > Preferences > Toolbar Layout?

fubarhouse commented 3 years ago

I'm also not getting this. I had it set up in Firefox before and the button just appeared in ThunderBird.

I do have the system colours theme enabled, and the dark mode settings switched - so I would start by setting those.

I've just added a couple of new schemes too - so here's one:


Some more for reference:

ThunderBird: image

Firefox: image

zegheim commented 3 years ago

Very strange indeed - @fubarhouse I have enabled default theme and dark mode but no dice.

Might be worth mentioning that I am on the latest Thunderbird (78.0.1). Does this affect anything?

EDIT: So for some reason the Pywalfox Icon was placed in the lower toolbar which is hidden on my configuration. I managed to open the extension page, but the colors are not showing at all for some reason:


vs the one in Firefox:


and the unreadable highlighted text problem still persists...

Frewacom commented 3 years ago

I had version 68 installed and installed both version 78 and the beta (79). No issues at all for me.

I am assuming that it is some setting(s) that you have? Perhaps you could try installing a different version and see if that makes a difference (with default settings)?

zegheim commented 3 years ago

Launching thunderbird on a new profile works fine! Thanks :)