Frewacom / pywalfox

Dynamic theming of Firefox (and Thunderbird) using your Pywal colors
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Trouble connecting to the daemon, no useful error messages to fix the problem #72

Open douglasrizzo opened 2 years ago

douglasrizzo commented 2 years ago

When Firefox starts, I am greeted with a tab and the error:

The Pywalfox extension could not create a connection to the native messenger. This might happen if the native messenger is outdated or if it is not installed correctly. Because of this, the extension will not work as expected.

The actual error in the box, in that same window, is just the word None.

When I click the Fetch Pywal colors, I get the message Fetch failed: You are not connected to the Pywalfox daemon

This is the output of pywalfox start --verbose -p:

[07-29-2021 11:56:16] DEBUG:Using python 3.8.10
[07-29-2021 11:56:16] DEBUG:Firefox profile path is relative
[07-29-2021 11:56:16] DEBUG:Found chrome directory at path: /home/user/.mozilla/firefox/nwxxqzus.default-release/chrome
[07-29-2021 11:56:16] DEBUG:Setup socket server using AF_UNIX (linux/darwin)
[07-29-2021 11:56:16] DEBUG:Successfully bound socket to: /tmp/pywalfox_socket

This is the content of the debug console, it didn't give me any information:


I've uninstalled and reinstalled the daemon, native messenger and addon, but the error persists. Any tips?

Frewacom commented 2 years ago

Most likely a PATH issue where FIrefox can not find the executable during runtime. This is quite a common issue and I have pushed a test release that uses absolute paths instead, which eliminates the need for a correct PATH variable. It has not been released to the official channel yet, since I have not had the time to test it properly on different platforms.

You can install the test release using the following commands:

pywalfox uninstall
pip uninstall pywalfox
pip install --index-url pywalfox==2.8.0rc1
pywalfox install

The actual error in the box, in that same window, is just the word None.

Sadly, the Firefox error messages are very limited and often provide little to no information about why it failed. Some of the more basic errors will be shown, though.

danjenson commented 2 years ago

This worked for me^