Fribb / anime-lists

Anime-Mapping Project
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Incorrect Mappings #2

Closed ScottDennison closed 4 years ago

ScottDennison commented 4 years ago

MAL entry: Current TheMovieDB link: Correct TheMovieDB link:

MAL entry: Current TheMovieDB link: Correct TheMovieDB link:

MAL entry: Current TVDB Id: 331205 (does not exist) Correct TVDB Id: 101817 Current TheMovieDB link: (none) Correct TheMovieDB link:

MAL entry: No current link Correct TheMovieDB link:

MAL entry: Current TVDB Id: 344218 (does not exist) Correct TVDB Id: 70668 (clear card has the same id as the original cardcaptor sakura)

ScottDennison commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the quick fix :) I'm just crawling through the logs of the myanimelist agent to see any other problems (the ones above were ones that were obviously wrong from the loaded image), so there will probably be more incorrect/non-existant mapping corrections coming. Do you want those in a new issue or put here?

Fribb commented 4 years ago

My Initial thought was that any corrections should have its own new issue. That would make it easier to follow which ones are finished and which are not. I was a bit confused when GitHub suddenly updated this ticket when you added the last mismatch while I was close to committing the changes.

On the other hand, you could also just fork the project and add the corrections to the "corrections" file (since everything else is automatically corrected), then we can merge it. You could even run the JQ commands as well to update the corrected file so that the delivery to my server and distribution to the Agents would be faster.

ScottDennison commented 4 years ago

I'll do a fork and pull-request. I will hopefully have it ready in an hour or so.

Fribb commented 4 years ago

the full list will be pulled daily at 1:00 European Central Time so no panic.

ScottDennison commented 4 years ago

It took a while longer than I thought, but I've identified all the shows that need updating (at least of those that exist my plex library - there's too many to do everything!) Corrections should obviously go in the corrections file. However should new entries go there too or go in the relevant file in the anime-mapping folder?

Fribb commented 4 years ago

The Mapping folders are automatically generated so anything that is changed there could be overwritten with the next time is is run.

So anything that needs correction should go in the corrections file even those who are not available yet.

ScottDennison commented 4 years ago

the full list will be pulled daily at 1:00 European Central Time so no panic.

I've noticed that still has the mappings from prior to this and #3 , could the daily pull be non-functional?

Fribb commented 4 years ago

That should all work automatically. The server should pull the latest version from github each day.

I will have to look into that when I'm back home

Fribb commented 4 years ago

I checked the file and it wasn't updated since Nov 2019 for some reason, checking the cronjob turned up that the cronjob wasn't even listed anymore so the file wasn't pulled at all.

I corrected that and created the Cronjob again, the file should now be updated with the latest version and be updated daily.