Frick / ttplus

Turntable Plus - a fan-made Chrome Extension!
48 stars 16 forks source link Support #22

Closed excid3 closed 1 year ago

excid3 commented 12 years ago

The only thing I'm missing from this is support. Extended does a nice job of this, but it'd be great if that functionality was also included in ttplus.

pberry commented 12 years ago

I'll +1 that

dotproto commented 12 years ago

Are you looking to scrobble the tracks you're listening to, or do you want some other functionality?

excid3 commented 12 years ago

Just scrobbling is all. I love that functionality from Extended, don't really need anything else since linking to the track on is builtin to TT.

I'm not familiar with how to setup scrobbling, otherwise I'd have submitted with a pull request.

dotproto commented 12 years ago

I'm not familiar with the API -- I'll try to take a look at it tonight to figure out what this would require.

dotproto commented 12 years ago

A quick search turned up It seems like it wouldn't be too hard to set up a scrobble call after ~1/2 a song or so. @excid3, if you have the bandwidth it wouldn't hurt to fork and try to implement :)

excid3 commented 12 years ago

Unfortunately the readme says "Scrobbling is not yet supported.". :disappointed:

dotproto commented 12 years ago

Curious. I picked that fork because there was a commit that referenced scrobbling:

excid3 commented 12 years ago

Yeah, looking at the source seems like it supports scrobbling. Maybe the readme just needs updating. I'll see if I can take a look sometime this weekend.

pberry commented 12 years ago

Also can check out the source for tt-extended and how they do it.

pberry commented 12 years ago

Again, thanks for checking into this!

excid3 commented 12 years ago

Well it's definitely doable. The only problem is that I'm pretty not very good at javascript. :smile:

The code in the javascript API is writing an iframe that makes the POST request to submit the scrobble. If I'm understanding correctly...that's causing this:

Error during tabs.executeScript: Cannot access contents of url "data:text/html,chromewebdata". Extension manifest must request permission to access this host. 

but when the scrobble happens, I'm also getting a 403 forbidden to which is the Lastfm API.

Any ideas on what I should be looking at?