Frick / ttplus

Turntable Plus - a fan-made Chrome Extension!
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Fix #5 with a new queue counter. #24

Closed dotproto closed 12 years ago

dotproto commented 12 years ago

Adds a simple queue counter to the "My DJ Queue" list.

Song count in action!

dotproto commented 12 years ago

How about that. Updating my personal branch automatically updated the pull request. Nice.

Frick commented 12 years ago

I'd get rid of the songQueueCountReady flag and just place something like the following at the beginning of the loadSongQueueCount function:

if ($('#ttpSongQueueCount').length > 0) { return; }

Other than that, this looks good!

dotproto commented 12 years ago

New commit pushed. I used a variation on your suggestion because I didn't want loadSongQueueCount() to early out. Instead, it will only append the new element if length == 0.