Frick / ttplus

Turntable Plus - a fan-made Chrome Extension!
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TT+ Completely Broken after TT update today #33

Closed tropicanajones closed 11 years ago

tropicanajones commented 11 years ago

TT+ doesn't load at all after today's update rolled out by TT.

I've tried disabling and re-enabling, uninstall and re-install. I can see it's installed on Chrome but it's as if I'm viewing without the extension at all.

Frick commented 11 years ago

Did this clear itself up? I've heard from a few people that they were having the same issues, but they all seem to have cleared it up by lots of re-installing, refreshing or restarting. :-/ The code change is INCREDIBLY minor, but for some reason it seems to have a hard time taking affect.