Frick / ttplus

Turntable Plus - a fan-made Chrome Extension!
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Latest update sucks! #43

Closed MikeWills closed 11 years ago

MikeWills commented 11 years ago

The chat and queues drop way below the screen and don't remember where I put them. I would rather have an option if I want to be able to move them or not. I liked the previous version much better to be honest.

MikeWills commented 11 years ago

Also I have to refresh several times before I can start interacting with the site sometimes.

Frick commented 11 years ago

What screen resolution are you running? I haven't had a chance to play with it on any small screens yet, but I can imagine there may be an issue there. If you can provide a few things, that will greatly help me to fix the issue.

MikeWills commented 11 years ago

I can't do a screen shot right now. The queue and chat were about 3-4 inches down underneath the bottom of the screen. I had to scroll down and move them up, resize them to the right size. The chat I had to resize before I could even move it. Then they are on top of other overlays.

I would love an option to revert back to just using the chat and queue like TT delivers them. Really i am using your plugin for the highlighting of lames and awesomes and showing the real-time count. That is all I really want.

Frick commented 11 years ago

Sorry, can you do this instead:

I may add an option to disable the layout functionality, but it won't be today. Ideally, I'd like to simply fix the layout issue so that you don't even have to think about it... if you want to move things around, you can with ease, otherwise it should behave as "stock" Turntable does. There is one layout bug with the chat ding overlay winding up behind the chat pane, but that will be fixed in an update later today.

MikeWills commented 11 years ago

ttp.send({get:'preferences'},function(a){console.log(JSON.stringify(a.layout));}); 3 {"1263x939":{"left":{"top":449,"left":934,"width":256,"height":773},"right":{"top":0,"left":972,"width":291,"height":110}},"1280x939":{"left":{"top":-900,"left":18,"width":256,"height":773},"right":{"top":-1673,"left":1024,"width":256,"height":774}},"1263x922":{"left":{"top":-900,"left":0,"width":256,"height":773},"right":{"top":0,"left":1024,"width":256,"height":774}},"1280x922":{"left":{"top":-751,"left":439,"width":256,"height":773},"right":{"top":-2678,"left":1121,"width":256,"height":774}}}

Frick commented 11 years ago

Try the latest update:

It adds a resize handler to the window which may do what you're looking for. Let me know your thoughts.

MikeWills commented 11 years ago

I still just want to highlight the awesomes and lames. I don't care about moving the chat and queue around. Maybe I'll have to move on to look for other options. Or just create it myself.

Frick commented 11 years ago

I'm sorry for the trouble, but I only have so much bandwidth. I have a version working where it is an option, I just need to add the option to the settings page. Of course, If you would like to create it yourself, you're more than welcome to... I open source the code for just this reason! But if you can hold out for another day, I'd imagine I can have an update released soon.

MikeWills commented 11 years ago

I understand you are busy. Trust me I have a bot in beta for several months now. I can stick it out and see what you come up with.

MikeWills commented 11 years ago

Here is a screenshot of the frustration I have.

It jumps up above the screen and I can't move it. Sometimes happens under too. No scroll bars to allow me to fix.

Frick commented 11 years ago

Wow... I'm really not even sure how that is happening. With the latest update I have it move the panes within the boundaries of the page, or even shrink the panes, to ensure they never get cut off... I have no idea how you wound up with negative offsets, so I'll put something in so that positioning can never be negative in the future. I'm hoping to push the update to add the preference to turn off drag/resize tonight, nevertheless.

MikeWills commented 11 years ago

I'll try to get screen shots of the other problems.

Frick commented 11 years ago

Give 0.3.6 a shot and try the option on the Misc Settings page... hopefully that will be what you're looking for.

MikeWills commented 11 years ago

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!