FridayNightFight / FNF-DTAS-Altis

This is a mission for Arma 3 that provides 124-player dynamically-generated sector control gameplay. Originally developed in 2013, it has since been modified for the Friday Night Fight, a weekly PvP event with both EU and NA timezone-friendly segments.
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People not teleporting from spawn #16

Open TehGreatFred opened 3 years ago

TehGreatFred commented 3 years ago

Dont know how to reproduce, but been happening past 2 or 3 weeks on FNF Dtas. Sometimes the entire team doesnt teleport, sometimes half the team doesnt teleport. Not sure how it works

indig0fox commented 3 years ago

Saw mixed behavior of people not teleporting or being teleported to 0,0,0 then having to respawn.

Likely a result of adjusting the vehicles/allocated crew sizes with the new vehicle variety. More to do here, but tweaked the location finding for vehicle spawning at round start that should help matters. Mission is on NA server.