To improve readability, having colored text and some better descriptive prints would be great.
[x] No "dim" text, Windows doesn't support it (technically). Use dim text sparingly.
[x] There should be an option to toggle color easily, and functions supporting that.
[x] "VodBot" name has magenta background and black foreground.
[x] Errors should be bright (bold) red, with error codes in bright yellow.
[x] First printed line should be something along the lines of "VodBot, (c) 2021" or some little blurb.
[x] "Loading config..." "Logging in to" and "Getting User ID's" should be consolidated to a single line.
[x] VOD/Clip checks should be reordered internally to check after each individual list is grabbed, and to display the name and count of each, along with a number total.
[x] VOD/Clip title should be green, and speeds/stats should be cyan.
[x] The final print should reset the colors just before exit.
To improve readability, having colored text and some better descriptive prints would be great.
No "dim" text, Windows doesn't support it (technically).Use dim text sparingly.