Friendly0Fire / GW2Clarity

MIT License
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KERNELBASE.dll Warning and dump file #19

Closed ehernandezll closed 1 year ago

ehernandezll commented 1 year ago

Starting Gw2 with Clarity throws the following warning in "gw2clarity.log" and creates a dump file for each logging. Addon works just fine.

[11:12:38.5338499|WRN] Intercepted exception in module 'C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll', address 0x7ffc0423cd29, code 0xe06d7363.

How can I solve the issue or stop creating dump files?

Kiipey commented 1 year ago

desactivate in settings graphics "dx9"

Friendly0Fire commented 1 year ago

Without further activity I'll be closing this now. Feel free to reopen with more details if the issue persists.