FriendsOfAkeneo / CustomEntityBundle

Eases the creation of custom entity and related views in the PIM
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filters of reference data attributes not working in product_model_index #214

Open jotalops opened 4 years ago

jotalops commented 4 years ago

In version 2.4 of the bundle ( akeneo 2.3 )

if we do a simple search by an attribute of type reference data simple or multiple we dont't found any results.

+++++++++++++++++ $pqbFactory = $this->getContainer()->get('pim_catalog.query.product_model_query_builder_factory');

/ @var ProductAndProductModelQueryBuilder $pqb / $pqb = $pqbFactory->create(['default_locale' => 'en_US', 'default_scope' => 'ecommerce']); $pqb->addFilter('rd_brand', 'IN', [$brandCode]);


debugging the error I found that the index product_model_index is not used by the reference data normalizers

to resolve the issue we must add that index to the normalizers:

ReferenceDataCollectionNormalizer.php ReferenceDataNormalizer.php

we must include in the supportsNormalization method that index

.... use Pim\Component\Catalog\Normalizer\Indexing\ProductModel\ProductModelNormalizer as ProductModelNormalizer2;

.... public function supportsNormalization($data, $format = null) { return $data instanceof ReferenceDataCollectionValue && ( ProductNormalizer::INDEXING_FORMAT_PRODUCT_INDEX === $format || ProductModelNormalizer::INDEXING_FORMAT_PRODUCT_AND_MODEL_INDEX === $format || ProductModelNormalizer2::INDEXING_FORMAT_PRODUCT_MODEL_INDEX ); } ...... public function supportsNormalization($data, $format = null) { return $data instanceof ReferenceDataValue && ( ProductNormalizer::INDEXING_FORMAT_PRODUCT_INDEX === $format || ProductModelNormalizer::INDEXING_FORMAT_PRODUCT_AND_MODEL_INDEX === $format || ProductModelNormalizer2::INDEXING_FORMAT_PRODUCT_MODEL_INDEX ); }

I attached the fix