FriendsOfCake / crud-json-api

Build advanced JSON API Servers with almost no code.
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Dealing with CSRF middleware #96

Closed mosesliao closed 5 years ago

mosesliao commented 5 years ago

I keep getting this CSRF token mismatch via an api call. Is there a way to handle it in a graceful way? I heard that disabling it is not advisable. I am using this library plus this code

    public function add()
        $location = $this->Locations->newEntity();
        if ($this->request->is('post')) {
            $location->code = $this->request->getData('code');
            $location->name = $this->request->getData('name');
            if ($this->Locations->save($location)) {
                'success' => true,
                '_serialize' => ['success']
Screenshot 2019-03-29 at 9 26 37 PM
ADmad commented 5 years ago

Just don't use the CSRF middleware for API URLs. Stateless API can't suffer from CSRF.