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Error updating private discussion members #131

Closed csthenry closed 3 years ago

csthenry commented 4 years ago

Error updating private discussion members. As shown in the photo:


clarkwinkelmann commented 4 years ago

Sorry for the late reply. Could you share your php flarum info output? And could you describe the steps that lead to the error? Is that while creating a new discussion or at a later stage?

One possible reason for these kind of errors is a conflict with another extension.

csthenry commented 3 years ago

thanks for your reply,One possible reason for these kind of errors is a conflict with another extension.

Flarum core 0.1.0-beta.13
PHP version: 7.3.23
Loaded extensions: Core, date, libxml, openssl, pcre, sqlite3, zlib, bcmath, ctype, curl, dom, filter, ftp, gd, gettext, hash, iconv, intl, json, mbstring, SPL, session, pcntl, standard, PDO, mysqlnd, pdo_sqlite, Phar, posix, Reflection, pdo_mysql, shmop, SimpleXML, soap, sockets, sodium, mysqli, sysvsem, tokenizer, xml, xmlreader, xmlrpc, xmlwriter, zip, fileinfo, exif, memcached, ionCube Loader, Zend OPcache
| Flarum Extensions                    |                  |                                          |
| ID                                   | Version          | Commit                                   |
| flarum-approval                      | v0.1.0-beta.13   |                                          |
| flarum-bbcode                        | v0.1.0-beta.12   |                                          |
| flarum-emoji                         | v0.1.0-beta.13   |                                          |
| flarum-lang-english                  | v0.1.0-beta.13   |                                          |
| flarum-flags                         | v0.1.0-beta.13   |                                          |
| flarum-likes                         | v0.1.0-beta.13   |                                          |
| flarum-lock                          | v0.1.0-beta.13   |                                          |
| flarum-markdown                      | v0.1.0-beta.13   |                                          |
| flarum-mentions                      | v0.1.0-beta.13   |                                          |
| flarum-statistics                    | v0.1.0-beta.13   |                                          |
| flarum-sticky                        | v0.1.0-beta.13   |                                          |
| flarum-subscriptions                 | v0.1.0-beta.13   |                                          |
| flarum-suspend                       | v0.1.0-beta.13   |                                          |
| flarum-tags                          | v0.1.0-beta.13.2 |                                          |
| littlegolden-lang-simplified-chinese | v0.1.68          |                                          |
| csineneo-lang-traditional-chinese    | 1.13.1           |                                          |
| flarum-auth-github                   | v0.1.0-beta.13   |                                          |
| clarkwinkelmann-emojionearea         | 0.2.2            |                                          |
| the-turk-extended-appearance         | 0.1.1            |                                          |
| clarkwinkelmann-author-change        | 0.1.5            |                                          |
| irony-login2see                      | 0.0.1            |                                          |
| v17development-seo                   | 1.2              |                                          |
| fof-best-answer                      | 0.1.8            |                                          |
| fof-sitemap                          | 0.4.0            |                                          |
| fof-upload                           | 0.10.0           |                                          |
| fof-realtimedate                     | 0.1.3            |                                          |
| fof-reactions                        | 0.3.4            |                                          |
| fof-moderator-notes                  | 0.1.6            |                                          |
| fof-pretty-mail                      | 0.1.6            |                                          |
| reflar-level-ranks                   | 1.2.2            |                                          |
| fof-formatting                       | 0.1.4            |                                          |
| veroz1-users-list                    | 0.1.3            |                                          |
| reflar-cookie-consent                | 0.2.0            |                                          |
| itnt-backtop                         | v0.1.7.2         |                                          |
| michaelbelgium-discussion-views      | v4.0.0           |                                          |
| fof-nightmode                        | 0.4.0            |                                          |
| askvortsov-moderator-warnings        | v0.1.8           |                                          |
| fof-user-directory                   | 0.3.4            |                                          |
| fof-follow-tags                      | 0.3.4            |                                          |
| askvortsov-categories                | v1.0.4           |                                          |
| fof-forum-statistics-widget          | 0.1.1            |                                          |
| kvothe-pipetables                    | 1.0.9            |                                          |
| fof-linguist                         | 0.4.2            |                                          |
| fof-pages                            | 0.4.0            |                                          |
| fof-links                            | 0.3.0            |                                          |
| fof-user-bio                         | 0.1.3            |                                          |
| fof-polls                            | 0.1.2            |                                          |
| squeevee-fancybox                    | 0.2-beta         |                                          |
| clarkwinkelmann-circle-groups        | 0.2.1            |                                          |
| fof-merge-discussions                | 0.3.3            |                                          |
| littlegolden-mybb                    | dev-master       | c7aff4e7c66f4be1495845d4603aceeb028d91ff |
| antoinefr-bbcode-fa                  | 0.2.1            |                                          |
| zerosonesfun-font                    | 1.1              |                                          |
| zerosonesfun-accordion               | 2.4              |                                          |
| zerosonesfun-blur                    | 1.1              |                                          |
| fof-username-request                 | 0.2.0            |                                          |
| zerosonesfun-action                  | 1.0              |                                          |
| zerosonesfun-pop                     | 1.0              |                                          |
| zerosonesfun-tooltip                 | 1.1              |                                          |
| zerosonesfun-spoiler                 | 1.2              |                                          |
| oe800-bbcode-alerts                  | 0.2.0            |                                          |
| reflar-doorman                       | 0.1.5            |                                          |
| therealsujitk-show-password          | v1.0.3           |                                          |
| fof-terms                            | 0.4.2            |                                          |
| fof-socialprofile                    | 0.1.2            |                                          |
| fof-geoip                            | 0.1.7            |                                          |
| fof-ban-ips                          | 0.2.0            |                                          |
| fof-drafts                           | 0.1.13           |                                          |
| zerosonesfun-elint                   | 1.5              |                                          |
| minr-auth-weibo                      | v0.1.8           |                                          |
| fof-profile-image-crop               | 0.1.2            |                                          |
| fof-default-user-preferences         | 0.2.0            |                                          |
| simonxeko-preview-discussion         | 0.1.0            |                                          |
| fof-frontpage                        | 0.1.4            |                                          |
| the-turk-edit-notifications          | 0.1.5            |                                          |
| the-turk-diff                        | 1.0.8            |                                          |
clarkwinkelmann commented 3 years ago

That's a lot of extensions! Could you try disabling some of them to see whether the issue goes away?

The most susceptible to be related to the issue are the ones modifying the post composer or preview. I see the preview-discussion, drafts, emojionearea and all of the zerosonesfun* extensions as most likely candidates.

Can you confirm this happens when you try creating a new discussion and selecting recipients? In your screenshot it looks like the body of the composer is blank. Is that the case? Does it become blank after the error occurs?

csthenry commented 3 years ago

Can you confirm this happens when you try creating a new discussion and selecting recipients? No,error updating private discussion members only.

In your screenshot it looks like the body of the composer is blank. Is that the case? Does it become blank after the error occurs? yes, it become blank after the error occurs.

csthenry commented 3 years ago

I tried to disable the extensions you described, but none of them solved the problem.

luceos commented 3 years ago

Look we don't know where this error comes from either. It seems unrelated to this extension. So the best way to identify where this comes from is by disabling all of them and then slowly enabling them one at a time.

clarkwinkelmann commented 3 years ago

But editing recipients of an existing discussion should't use the composer. It's done by using the discussion dropdown "Edit Recipients" button which will then open a modal.

So your screenshot must be of a new discussion? Is it done from the main "Start a discussion" button or from a user profile?

Can you share a screenshot of what the screen looks like before the error, showing the composer/modal in full?

Can you share a screenshot of your byobu settings?

Ornanovitch commented 3 years ago

I have the same strange issue, coupled with #88 at the same time.

Ornanovitch commented 3 years ago

Fixed for me in beta 15

davwheat commented 3 years ago

Cannot reproduce in 1.0 stable.