FriendsOfFlarum / sitemap

Generate a sitemap.
MIT License
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Not working #2

Closed XakepSDK closed 5 years ago

XakepSDK commented 5 years ago

I installed this and forum.url/sitemap.xml is not available due to 404 error. I created post, then re-checked - still 404.

clarkwinkelmann commented 5 years ago

There's a discussion and a note in the first post at that's probably related.

Let me know if it fixes it or if you're facing a different issue.

Copied for reference:

If you are running nginx, it's possible that /sitemap.xml will return the 404 error of nginx instead of being handled by Flarum. In this case you can try adding the following line to your site config, below the location / {} block of Flarum or at the end of the config. See posts below where we discussed this fix for more details.

location = /sitemap.xml { try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string; }
XakepSDK commented 5 years ago

Yep, it works! Thank you very much.