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Error during deployroot network access validation #63

Closed yckbrd closed 1 year ago

yckbrd commented 1 year ago
Get-PSDContent_return_var_001 Get-PSDContent_return_var_002 Get-PSDContent_return_var_003 Get-PSDContent_return_var_004
yckbrd commented 1 year ago

The error is not rooted network access denial as it might seem on the first look. The files are copied without problems. The error comes from an erronous variable which is returned after the execution of Get-PSDContent which includes the output of Copy-PSDFolder. Strangely this only happens when Get-PSDContent is called whithin the script. When I tried the command $control = Get-PSDContent -Content "Control" manually in a separate window the variable was fine.

Adding | out-null to Get-PSDContentUNC -content $content -destination $dest in PSDDeploymentShare.psm1 (Line 212) fixed the issue for me.

ASlowTurtle commented 1 year ago

Probably it's the output from xcopy #49 However a new version was just released. In this version the xcopy output is nulled.

GeoSimos commented 1 year ago

The error is not rooted network access denial as it might seem on the first look. The files are copied without problems. The error comes from an erronous variable which is returned after the execution of Get-PSDContent which includes the output of Copy-PSDFolder. Strangely this only happens when Get-PSDContent is called whithin the script. When I tried the command $control = Get-PSDContent -Content "Control" manually in a separate window the variable was fine.

Adding | out-null to Get-PSDContentUNC -content $content -destination $dest in PSDDeploymentShare.psm1 (Line 212) fixed the issue for me.

Can you please provide the Bootstrap.ini settings for the deployment share? My understanding from the shots above is that you're using the UNC path of the Deployment Share but this method is not supported, you have to use the http/https based url of your Deployment Share. The boot media must be rebuild after any change in BootStrap.ini by right-clicking on the Deployment Share in the Deployment Workbench UI and selecting "Update Deployment Share". The solution contains all the needed scripts to prepare the infrastructure (IIS, Standalone CA) to support https based installations, you will find them in the Tools folder of PSD.

GeoSimos commented 1 year ago

And check the guidance provided here too