FriendsOfPHP / pickle

PHP Extension installer
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Design mistake for meta commands #109

Open pierrejoye opened 9 years ago

pierrejoye commented 9 years ago

Not sure when it happens but commands like info should be engine independent.

For example:

pickle info myext

should display info no matter if the ext is on pecl, only only for hhvm, only php or only for a given php version or higher.

For example, right now, adding support for pickleweb, doing:

pickle info pierrejoye/igbinary

where should be the pickleweb interface implemented?

In ./src/Package/Convey/Command/Any.php?

pierrejoye commented 9 years ago

Actually adding a new type did it nicely. Let see how the syntax to install from one source or another works :)

Hywan commented 9 years ago

Can we close this issue?

weltling commented 8 years ago

@pierrejoye ok, didn't realize you've implemented a new convey type. Actually, if we only limit the syntax vendor/extname to the pickle source, probably it's fine. I'd say this issue is done.
