FriendsOfREDAXO / fa_iconpicker

Font Awesome 5/6 (pro/subset) Icon Picker
MIT License
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SEO/Barrierefreiheit - font-display: swap; #10

Open bitshiftersgmbh opened 1 year ago

bitshiftersgmbh commented 1 year ago

Beim Schreiben/Manipulieren der all.min.css vor ;src: url( noch font-display: swap; einfügen, damit Fallbacks greifen bis die Font geladen ist.

alxndr-w commented 3 months ago

Das wäre kein Gewinn für SEO/Barrierefreiheit, siehe Thread hier bei FontAwesome direkt

👋 Lighthouse maintainer here, Lighthouse will not ding you for using block. If the Font Awesome CDN were to explicitly declare the font-display as block by default that seems like a win-win for everyone involved.

The intention of that audit is to explicitly opt-in or opt-out of font blocking, not to force icon fonts to render gibberish characters; no one wants that :)

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