FriendsOfSymfony / FOSCKEditorBundle

Provides a CKEditor integration for your Symfony project.
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extraAllowedContent !!! #171

Closed xorgxx closed 5 years ago

xorgxx commented 5 years ago

Hi i try very hard to understund are this work in ckeditorbundle but it since "for me" it das not work at all!!

SF 4.2, ckeditorbundle 2.0.1, ckeditor last ver

    default_config:                   standart    # full - standard - basic
            extraPlugins :               'confighelper' #
            #            extraPlugins :               'lineutils,widget,glyphicons' #
#            filebrowserBrowseRoute: elfinder
#            filebrowserBrowseRouteParameters:
#                instance: ckeditor

            language:                   '%locale%'
            toolbar:                    basic               # Charger la toolbar (voir plus bas) full - standard - basic
            #            stylesSet:                  my_styles           # Chargement des styles personnalisables my_styles (voir plus bas)
            uiColor:                    "#FCFCFC"           # Couleur de fond de l'interface
            height:                     '400px'             # Hauteur par défaut
            # Utiliser les styles css suivants dans le contenu de l'éditeur. Permet de voir le rendu en temps réeem
            contentsCss:                ['%ckeditor_css%']
            htmlEncodeOutput:           false
            entities:                   false
            basicEntities:              false
            allowedContent:             true
            extraAllowedContent :       ['span[*]{*}(*) body head footer container;i *(*) *{*} ;a[*]{*}(*) ;div[*]{*}(*)']
            protectedSource:            [ '/<span[^>]*><\/span>/g /<\label[\s\S]*?\>[\s\S]*?<\/label\>/g' ]

            extraPlugins :               'wordcount' # ,codesnippetwidget,dialog,
#            filebrowserBrowseRoute: elfinder
#            filebrowserBrowseRouteParameters:
#                instance: ckeditor

            language:                   '%locale%'
            toolbar:                    xorg               # Charger la toolbar (voir plus bas) full - standard - basic
            #            stylesSet:                  my_styles           # Chargement des styles personnalisables my_styles (voir plus bas)
            uiColor:                    "#FCFCFC"           # Couleur de fond de l'interface
            height:                     '400px'             # Hauteur par défaut
            # Utiliser les styles css suivants dans le contenu de l'éditeur. Permet de voir le rendu en temps réeem
            contentsCss:                [ '%ckeditor_css%' ]
            htmlEncodeOutput:           false
            entities:                   false
            basicEntities:              false
            allowedContent:             true
            extraAllowedContent :       [span[*]{*}(*) body head footer container;i *(*) *{*} ;a[*]{*}(*) ;div[*]{*}(*)']
            protectedSource:            [ '/<span[^>]*><\/span>/g' ]

so with this it das block all span empty, data[tag] if i want for exemple will empty span i have to passe by

in the config.js of ckeditor

CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config ) {
    // Define changes to default configuration here. For example:
    // config.language = 'fr';
    // config.uiColor = '#AADC6E';
    config.fillEmptyBlocks = false;

// to escape problem in render Ckeditor <A> <I> ......
CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty.span  = false;
CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty.i     = false;
CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty.a     = false;
CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty.label = false;

this work!! but why it das not work with the config file in Symfony?

thank for any help.

kunicmarko20 commented 5 years ago

I am not really understanding what you are saying, please fill the "Bug Report" template.

xorgxx commented 5 years ago

i try to do this inside of ckeditor field :

<div class="modal-on-load" style="height:0px !important" -->data-target="#modal-notification"<-- >&nbsp;</div>

but itch time ckeditor refuse to live data-target="#modal-notification" inside the div

  extraAllowedContent :       [span[*]{*}(*) body head footer container;i *(*) *{*} ;a[*]{*}(*) ;div[*]{*}(*)']

the same wiht empty span, i, .....

xorgxx commented 5 years ago

so i find this code to all empty tag BUT not in config of ckeditor in symfony !!!

to put in config.js of ckeditor

for(var tag in CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty){
    CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty[tag] = false;

i still have my probleme for data-target="#modal-notification"

xorgxx commented 5 years ago

so after long time and lots of trying config !!!!

Problem n1: htmlEncodeOutput:false -> make blocking all !!! so i delete. Problem n2: extraPlugins : 'wordcount' # ,codesnippetwidget,dialog, -> make blocking all wordcount is not install !!! so i delete. Problem n3: extraAllowedContent and protectedSource i delete also to live only allowedContent: true

So it since that all is working now at list hope. i will have to make more teste.

Arielblues commented 5 years ago

Alright i am a bit confused by the last post because i don't know what is working and what not.

Anyway i have a similar problem. I want to use <i class="fa fa-check-square"></i> etc in the ckeeditor but it strips when switching source and save. so no i tag.

Can this be solved by fos_ck_editor: config?

i tried adding this

           allowedContent:             true
            extraAllowedContent :       ['i *(*) *{*}']

but that doens't work. please advise

Thank you :)

xorgxx commented 5 years ago

HI ded you try to : remove --> extraAllowedContent : ['i () {}'] for me it work well.

Arielblues commented 5 years ago

Hi, i tried that already also.

    default_config: my_config
            language: en
            allowedContent: true

but still <i></i> is stripped in the source of ckeeditor.

I didn't adjust anyhing else.


i put in wrong config.js file


i put code of xorgxx in the right file public/../config.js It works now. Maybe fos_ck_editor doesn't support this? That you cannot add it to the fos_ckeditor.yaml but only directly in the config.js?

xorgxx commented 5 years ago

On my old SF 3.2 projet it was working in config.js, but with my new projet SF 4.2, ckeditorbundle 2.0.1, ckeditor last ver : i have to empty config.js and just add allowedContent: true thing are strange.

Arielblues commented 5 years ago

i just installed a fresh symfony 4.2.3 and ckeditor-bundle": "^2.0" and adding in config.js works for me