FriendsOfSymfony / FOSCKEditorBundle

Provides a CKEditor integration for your Symfony project.
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[Plugin] Adding a recipe for Webpack Encore plugin usage #194

Open Guikingone opened 5 years ago

Guikingone commented 5 years ago

Hi everyone 👋

Small suggestion about the documentation, what about adding a "recipe" about using Encore in order to install a plugin ? 🤔

Small example:

Plugin support

The bundle offers you the ability to manage extra plugins. To understand how it
works, you will enable the `Wordcount`_ plugin for our CKEditor widget.

Install the Plugin

First, you need to download and extract it in the web directory. For that, you
have two possibilities:

#. Directly put the plugin in the web directory (``/web/ckeditor/plugins/`` for
#. Put the plugin in the ``/Resources/public/`` directory of any of your bundles.

Install the Plugin (Encore approach)

First, you need to download and extract it in the ``assets`` directory (using a ``ckeditor`` subdirectory can be useful) then you should update the `webpack.config.js`: 

.. code-block:: javascript 

            from: './node_modules/ckeditor/',
            to: 'ckeditor/[path][name].[ext]',
            pattern: /\.(js|css)$/,
            includeSubdirectories: false
        {from: './node_modules/ckeditor/adapters', to: 'ckeditor/adapters/[path][name].[ext]'},
        {from: './node_modules/ckeditor/lang', to: 'ckeditor/lang/[path][name].[ext]'},
        {from: './node_modules/ckeditor/plugins', to: 'ckeditor/plugins/[path][name].[ext]'},
        {from: './node_modules/ckeditor/skins', to: 'ckeditor/skins/[path][name].[ext]'},

        // This line allows us to retrive the plugin files in the ``public/dist/ckeditor/plugins`` directory
        {from: './assets/ckeditor/plugins', to: 'ckeditor/plugins/[path][name]'},

Register the Plugin

In order to load it, you need to specify its location. For that, you can do it
globally in your configuration:

.. code-block:: yaml

    # app/config/config.yml
        default_config: my_config
                extraPlugins: "wordcount"
                path:     "/bundles/mybundle/wordcount/" # with trailing slash (if using Encore approach, consider using `dist/ckeditor/plugins/pluginName/`
                filename: "plugin.js"

Or you can do it in your widget:

.. code-block:: php

    $builder->add('field', 'ckeditor', array(
        'config' => array(
            'extraPlugins' => 'wordcount',
        'plugins' => array(
            'wordcount' => array(
                'path'     => '/bundles/mybundle/wordcount/', // with trailing slash
                'filename' => 'plugin.js',

Plugin dependency

Once your plugin is installed and registered, you will also need to install and
register these dependencies. Hopefully, the ``wordcount`` has no extra dependency
but other plugin can require extra ones. So if it is the case, you need to redo
the process for them and so on.

Plugin icon

If you don't configure a built-in toolbar or a custom toolbar, the plugin icon
should be visible automatically according to the plugin configuration otherwise,
it is your responsibility to configure it. Take a look to this
:doc:`documentation <toolbar>`.

.. _`Wordcount`:

Any thoughts ? 🤔