Open anboo opened 9 years ago
Okey, i think that it's really impossible. Because twig templates of bundle has follow:
{% set count = thread.numComments %} //count of comments
This means that the your business logic can not be implemented to it without rewrite templates.
I create service for getting comments by filter and it was like this:
$comments = $this->container->get('fos_comment.manager.comment')->findCommentTreeByThread($thread);
And it now like this:
$comments = $this->get('comment')->findCommentsByThread($thread, function(EntityComment $comment)
return $comment->getIsPublished() == 1;
Method findCommentsByThread:
public function findCommentsByThread(ThreadInterface $thread, \Closure $closure)
$resultArray = [];
$manager = $this->container->get('fos_comment.manager.comment');
$arrayComments = $manager->findCommentTreeByThread($thread);
foreach($arrayComments as $comment)
$status = call_user_func_array($closure, [$comment['comment']]);
$resultArray[] = $comment;
return $resultArray;
You should not forget to add $isPublished field in the entity.
But if you want make moderate system you should be rewrite FOSCommentBundle:Thread:comments.html.twig in your app/Resources directory and change one string:
{% set count = comments|length %}
Because vendor template print thread.numComments result and thread.numComments maybe !== publishedArrayComments|length.
How to make that were comments where field is_moderate is null not displayed? It's impossible? I found nothing like filters for query to database But this feature could be best of the best!