FriendsOfSymfony / FOSJsRoutingBundle

A pretty nice way to expose your Symfony routing to client applications.
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usage with Encore + webpack 4 + babel 7 + corejs #359

Open Gamesh opened 5 years ago

Gamesh commented 5 years ago

Solution proposed in no longer works. It works as expected until i configure babel with runtime generator and corejs to support async/await and generators

import "core-js/stable";
import "regenerator-runtime/runtime";

as detailed here

My Routing wrapper: Routing.js

const Routing = require('../../../../vendor/friendsofsymfony/jsrouting-bundle/Resources/public/js/router.js')
const routes = require('../../../../web/js/fos_js_routes.json')

module.exports = Routing

webpack encore config:

    function(babelConfig) {
    { useBuiltIns: 'usage', corejs: 3 },

when i load the page i get an error "root is undefined" which refers to: root.Routing = routing.Routing; router.js line 13

julienbdx commented 5 years ago

Same here. Have you found any solution ?

Gamesh commented 5 years ago

nope, had to remove corejs and polyfill, then it started working again

mfleonhardt commented 5 years ago

Confirmed. I'm not using corejs, just polyfills. Removing the preset-env section removes the error.

Encode.configureBabel(function (babelConfig) {
        const preset = babelConfig.presets.find(([name]) => name === "@babel/preset-env");
        if (preset !== undefined) {
            preset[1].useBuiltIns = "usage";


I can't not use polyfills, so I'm working around by slightly adapting the @weaverryan method (

{% block scripts %}
    <script src="{{ asset('/bundles/fosjsrouting/js/router.min.js') }}"></script>
{% endblock %}
// routing.js
const routes = require('./data/routes');
module.exports = window.Routing;

// app.js
import Routing from './routing';
console.log(Routing.generate('my_route', {param: 1}));