FriendsOfSymfony / FOSOAuthServerBundle

A server side OAuth2 Bundle for Symfony
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How access api protest without access_token #613

Open Noido opened 5 years ago

Noido commented 5 years ago

Hey i have a question, i want access to my oauth secure route without access_token but without access_token how can i do that ?

It s for a partner, i dont want that they have to login an user account for access ressource and i don t want let ressource visible without protection.

So i need to do something like /api/ressource with client_id =client_id and client_secret=secret

Can you help me plz ? Someone speak me about authorization_code so in allowed grant_types i have this a:6:{i:0;s:18:"authorization_code";i:1;s:8:"password";i:2;s:13:"refresh_token";i:3;s:5:"token";i:4;s:18:"client_credentials";i:5;s:42:"";}

But in my table : oauth2_auth_codes i have nothing no client_id generate with authorization_code so how can i have authorization_code ?


er1z commented 5 years ago

Hey i have a question, i want access to my oauth secure route without access_token but without access_token how can i do that ?

Honestly, I don't get what you want to achieve. Have you followed the manual and tutorials covering OAuth process? Show the code you written.