FriendsOfSymfony / FOSOAuthServerBundle

A server side OAuth2 Bundle for Symfony
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Question about fos_auth_server.yaml #640

Open softrare opened 4 years ago

softrare commented 4 years ago

Hi! I have a web application referring a user to a separate identity provider application to log in through username/password which sends back an access token and the user gets logged in. The identity provider application has a "dummy" 2FA implementation which I would like to replace, e.g. with an extra Google Authenticator step using

In my fos_auth_server.yaml, I have the usual lines reading

fos_oauth_server: db_driver: orm # Drivers available: orm, mongodb, or propel client_class: App\Entity\Oauth\Client access_token_class: App\Entity\Oauth\AccessToken refresh_token_class: App\Entity\Oauth\RefreshToken auth_code_class: App\Entity\Oauth\AuthCode service: user_provider: fos_user.user_provider.username options: access_token_lifetime: 10800 supported_scopes: user

beneath that I have this

        type:               App\Form\AuthorizationType
        handler:            App\Form\Handler\TwoFactorAuthorizationFormHandler
        name:               fos_oauth_server_authorize_form
            # Defaults:
            - Authorize
            - Default

the author of scheb/two-factor-bundle says I don't need this because on successful OAuth authentication I should be directly transferred to his 2FA form but if I remove this I get this error:

Can anyone understand what causes this error? I am starting with Symfony and this is really something I have trouble with right now. Thanks a lot in advance for any efforts!