FriendsOfSymfony / FOSUserBundle

Provides user management for your Symfony project. Compatible with Doctrine ORM & ODM, and custom storages.
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Username should not be equal to existing email address when using fos_user.user_provider.username_email #1112

Open ienzam opened 11 years ago

ienzam commented 11 years ago

When we use username and email both as user name ( user should not be able to be register a username which is same as one of the existing users' email.

For example,

        Given There are users:
         | username    | email         | password |
         | alreadyUser | al@ready.user | somePass |

        When I try to register with following:
         | username        | email           | password |
         | al@ready.user | | password |
        Then the registration should not pass

But in current system we can do that and the user cannot log in with his user name.

wiistriker commented 11 years ago

Maybe it's will be better use here query like WHERE username = :input OR email = :input? But we may get another problem

ienzam commented 11 years ago

If both use the same password then which user will get priority :( If username is given preference (like WHERE username = :input OR email = :input) then id hijacking will be possible. If email is given preference (which is the current implementation) a previous user with the username same as the email will lost his account

A simple solution will be to disallow @ from username Another costly solution is we should add some validation on username and email while registering user

wiistriker commented 11 years ago

what kind of validation?

— username can't be email? — username can't be equal to someone email?

ienzam commented 11 years ago

Yes, username can't be some existing email

wiistriker commented 11 years ago

in that case i can add username with email before user with that email register on site

ienzam commented 11 years ago

Oh yes, when the next user will came to register with the email he will get the notification that the email already exists :/

ienzam commented 11 years ago

So what about username should not contain '@' character?

wiistriker commented 11 years ago

but there is actually no user with such email. there is user with such email in his username =)

ienzam commented 11 years ago

Sorry I don't get you I got the point that adding validation 'username should not be equal to email' is not going to work.

I am suggesting that user should not be allowed to register with the character '@' in their username so that username will never be an email.

mvrhov commented 11 years ago

In such case I recommend, that you override the validation...

sdecandelario commented 11 years ago

I think it's better control the username don't contain any @ character for more security, and you can use regular expresions or the inside form valdiation of symfony, no?