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Updating the FriendsOfSymfony logo #23

Open jmikola opened 13 years ago

jmikola commented 13 years ago

Provided this is kosher with Symfony2's trademark rules... any feedback on updating the FOS logo?


Or perhaps an inverted, lighter variation of that? I'm only being half-serious here, but I do think the existing FOS avatar could use a refresh.

lsmith77 commented 13 years ago

+1 on anything with a smilie .. cant the sf be the nose?

willdurand commented 13 years ago

Will be quite hard for @Stof to review this logo :D

btw +1

stof commented 13 years ago

I agree that the current avatar can be improved. So +1 for the search of a new logo

However, I'm not in love with this proposal (don't ask me to explain why, maybe because it feels too much like the Sf logo at first look, especially when looking at my screen in certain positions making the color darker :) ).

If anybody else has idea, feel free to post them here too.

ornicar commented 13 years ago

I'm all for a new logo, and I salute the vaillant effort but am looking forward more propositions.

I personally am a terrible designer.

jmikola commented 13 years ago

@lsmith77 Any logo has to display well when sized as an icon, so an "sf" as the nose would quickly become illegible when the image is shrunk.

No hard feelings about the negative feedback. This was intended to be a silly suggestion to get the conversation started. I'll see what else I can whip up in my spare time going into the weekend. Anyone else is welcome to contribute as well :)

merk commented 13 years ago

+0, dont mind either way :)

stof commented 12 years ago

anybody with other ideas ?

jmikola commented 12 years ago

What about Fozzie Bear doing an @lsmith77 pose?

inalgnu commented 12 years ago
jcrombez commented 12 years ago

Here is my random try :

or a flat version :

stof commented 12 years ago

@inalgnu your proposal is fun but I fear a trademark issue...

willdurand commented 12 years ago

I like the @inalgnu's proposal

mmoreram commented 12 years ago

I'll think about it.. XD Is important to have a good logo XD

lsmith77 commented 12 years ago

as for the trademark, i guess its not allowed .. tough we could always try to get an exception ..

ornicar commented 12 years ago

I don't have a photo of my face right now, but I have one of my ass. There is no trademark on it!

jcrombez commented 12 years ago

@ornicar The comment you replied to being now removed, your message is kind of...awkward :D

cordoval commented 12 years ago

yes it was my fault, i removed them, sorry apologize to all

ornicar commented 12 years ago

what?? why the hell was the previous comment removed? it was okay

bah nevermind, I'll leave mine anyway. Deal with it :D

jcrombez commented 12 years ago
rleal commented 12 years ago

Another smiler version :)

FOS Logo

datiecher commented 12 years ago

So @ornicar is (literally) showing his ass on Symfony land again! =D

jmikola commented 12 years ago

Does anyone want to take a shot a deconstructing the Symfony logo into F and S for FOS? I'm curious what that might look like.

jcrombez commented 12 years ago

@jmikola you mean like that ?

or like that ?

I guess it may be a problem in term of trademark...

merk commented 12 years ago

i like that direction, but we'd probably want to seek permission before using something like that

jmikola commented 12 years ago

Certainly, if we do anything with the official Symfony logo, we should run it by @fabpot to ensure it's consistent with the trademark policy. I imagine that deconstructing the logo might not be kosher (but I was more or less curious what the results would look like :)

@jcrombez's "fos" logo looks quite nice. And of all the non-Symfony logo submissions, I like @rleal's the most. I think it would also scale down to GitHub avatar size quite well, which is important.

adrienbrault commented 11 years ago

Hey everyone
