FriendsOfSymfony1 / symfony1

[DEPRECATED -- Use Symfony instead] Fork of symfony 1.4 with DIC, form enhancements, latest Swiftmailer, better performance, composer compatible and PHP 8 support
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Adding swiftmailer to fos1 group to apply some php 8.2 patches to the code? #319

Closed thirsch closed 5 months ago

thirsch commented 5 months ago

We've created a fork and made some adjustments to the latest swiftmailer version to be compatible with PHP 8.2. Should we create an official fork here in the fos1 group and apply the patches there? For reference:

I thought I asked that already somewhere, but wasn't able to find it, therefore I'm opening an issue for it.

alquerci commented 5 months ago

FYI: From #302 I rise error level until deprecation. _Aside, I am waiting for that PR to be merged to add more constraints on PHP errorreporting.

I had found dependencies requirements for PHP 8: here

And I got the one deprecation mention on the patch.

Deprecated: Callables of the form ["Swift_NullTransport",
"Swift_Transport_NullTransport::__construct"] are deprecated
(in lib/vendor/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/NullTransport.php on
line 21)

IMHO deprecation should be ignored as it ask us too much work.

error_reporting:        <?php echo ((E_ALL | E_STRICT) ^ E_USER_DEPRECATED ^ E_DEPRECATED)."\n" ?>


It's an opportunity to test the idea to use current Symfony component with symfony/mailer. Without any BC breaks.

It will be a good experiment.

connorhu commented 5 months ago

In framework/library development the only acceptable error_reporting level is E_ALL. IMHO.

alquerci commented 5 months ago

@connorhu I agree we need to be strict.

I talked on framework/library user point of view.

sf1 use swiftmailer.

mentalstring commented 5 months ago

Given that swiftmailer is a requirement of symfony1, I agree that it would sensible if we could have a fork under fos1 where just the minimum necessary changes for PHP compatibility could be done.

connorhu commented 5 months ago

@thePanz Please create the new repo and invite @thirsch at least.

thePanz commented 5 months ago

@connorhu done:

Please let's move there for further discussions :)

connorhu commented 5 months ago

Thank you!