FriendsOfSymfony1 / symfony1

[DEPRECATED -- Use Symfony instead] Fork of symfony 1.4 with DIC, form enhancements, latest Swiftmailer, better performance, composer compatible and PHP 8 support
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[DoctrinePlugin] fix Swift_DoctrineSpool::queueMessage argument compatibility error #346

Open connorhu opened 3 months ago

connorhu commented 3 months ago

phpstan reported error

connorhu commented 3 months ago

Not so nice the green status with a php error. :( Our testing system is not good enough yet.

thePanz commented 3 months ago

IIRC this depends on the version of SwiftMailer installed, or I am wrong?

@thirsch @mentalstring @alquerci I remember you worked on this topic before

connorhu commented 3 months ago

IIRC this depends on the version of SwiftMailer installed, or I am wrong?

If this is true, we are not compatible with the latest version.

alquerci commented 3 months ago

@thePanz I have done a patch there

thirsch commented 3 months ago

IIRC this depends on the version of SwiftMailer installed, or I am wrong?

If this is true, we are not compatible with the latest version.

Unfortunately, that's true. But changing it with this pr would break support for 5.x - Either we do drop 5.x or we should use a patch like the one from @alquerci. Another approach can be found in

connorhu commented 3 months ago

To summarize: we support two versions of a library at the same time that is no longer being developed, another one should be used, but the right direction would be to make the framework not require any mail-related library. Nice.