FriendsOfTYPO3 / frontend_editing

TYPO3 CMS Frontend Editing
102 stars 38 forks source link

version 1.3.2 two issues #278

Closed helmut-winkelbach closed 6 years ago

helmut-winkelbach commented 6 years ago
linnearad commented 6 years ago

Can confirm the behavior with blank screen on one site and not on two other. All running TYPO3 8.7.9 on Nginx. But two different servers.

But the strange part is if I load a page one the first site, turn on hidden elements and wait for a bit (30 - 60 sec - haven't checked exactly), and then turn of hiden elements again - sometimes only hidden elements disappear - and the page isn't reloaded to a white page.

DirkPersky commented 6 years ago

I have the same Problem with white Screen Typo3: 8.7.9 Frontend_editing: 1.3.2

MacGeyer commented 6 years ago

not nice but before official patch try to replace in frontend_editing/Classes/Hook/FrontendEditingInitializationHook.php line 161 "$requestUrl = $requestUrl . $urlSeparator . 'frontend_editing=true';" by "$requestUrl = $requestUrl . $urlSeparator . 'frontend_editing=true&no_cache=1';"

MattiasNilsson commented 6 years ago

A new release is out that fixes this problem: