Current Behavior
When creating a Reaction with tt_address as selected table, the field "email" is not available in the fields-form at the bottom of the reactions form
Expected behavior/output
The email field should be available.
TYPO3 version(s): 12.4.7
tt_address version:7.1 | 8.0
Is your TYPO3 installation set up with Composer (Composer Mode) yes
OS Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
Possible Solution
"TCA/Configuration/TCA/Overrides/tt_address.php" ->
rm row 26-28
Bug Report
Current Behavior When creating a Reaction with tt_address as selected table, the field "email" is not available in the fields-form at the bottom of the reactions form
Expected behavior/output The email field should be available.
Possible Solution "TCA/Configuration/TCA/Overrides/tt_address.php" -> rm row 26-28
"TCA/tt_address.php" rm "email" from row 444 in the eval values