FriesischScott / UncertaintyQuantification.jl

Uncertainty Quantification in Julia
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Create necessary inputs #2

Closed FriesischScott closed 4 years ago

FriesischScott commented 5 years ago

Apart from RandomVariableSet what other inputs do we need?

Should we have a common type for everything that can be an input? This type could be sub-typed together with what we need from Distributions.jl.

AnderGray commented 5 years ago

On the points:

-RandomVariable: Entirely agree, we should just use the objects from Distributions.jl. It's very extensive, and if we find that there are any distributions that we need, we can just create a new class of type Sampleable{Univariate}

-Parameter: I think this depends. If we want to give a name or a description property to the Parameter, this should be done. However, this could also be done when the parameter is given to the Input as an argument in the constructor. I think I prefer option 2, as it means that native Julia variables can be given to the input object before making a parameter object. Maybe we can allow for both.

-Function: I'm not exactly sure that we should make a Function class. Julia natively allows for functions to be passed as arguments to other functions, and we should make use of this if we can.

I think creating a common subtype is quite difficult, since only abstract types can be inherited. So we'd have to say that both RandomVariableSet and Parameter are subtypes of whatever the abstract supertype of the univariate distributions are.

I think a good alternative however is that we restrict the arguments to Input to be Union{<:RandomVariableSet, <:Sampleable{Univariate}, <:Parameter}

FriesischScott commented 5 years ago

The only benefit of the Function would be the same as for the Parameter regarding description etc.

Then we would end up with

Union{<:RandomVariableSet, <:Sampleable{Univariate}, <:Number, <:Function}

for now?

AnderGray commented 5 years ago

Agreed. Maybe <:Real instead of <:Number since I don't think we should allow for complex numbers.

FriesischScott commented 5 years ago

Yes, didn't even think about that.