FritzAndFriends / ResourceManagement

A resource management application originally designed for Sebastian Riding Associates.
MIT License
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How should we plan for collaboration in a growing codebase - what to add early on? #41

Open SimonGeering opened 5 years ago

SimonGeering commented 5 years ago

As the project is still relatively small in size I would like to solicit suggestions for things to do now that will help plan for its growth.

For example:

  1. I would suggest adding StyleCop Code Analyzers with a rule set setup by @csharpfritz so we don't have to have a big debate on what rules to use. Rather, the desired outcome is that there is an agreed standard and all contributors to stick to it.

    I have found from experience implementing this in the past that it is best to start with rules configured for warnings and switch to enforce them as Errors in the PR Build only once those already in the codebase have been resolved. This allows things to be cleaned up over time.

  2. On the subject of analyzers, it would probably be a good idea to add in the Security Code Scan analyzers to help spot security holes and keep things safe.

  3. It may be worth reviewing the editor config in the solution to check it is working for everyone, including those using VSCode. I was experiencing issues with the tabs in VS2019 Pro (16.2.0 preview 2). This may just be my workstation, CodeRush, the preview build or any of the above so it would be great if any other contributors can comment here if they have had issues.

Please help with other suggestions of "thing that you wish you had done at the start of a project" so we can avoid issues later.