FritzTheCat9 / YoutubeLinks

YoutubeLinks allow users to save YouTube links as playlists. Users are able to download mp3/mp4 files from the playlists they create. Project created as part of the "100 Commits" competition.
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fix: Server errors are not displayed on blazor forms #53

Closed FritzTheCat9 closed 6 months ago

FritzTheCat9 commented 6 months ago
FritzTheCat9 commented 6 months ago

the error is caused of lower first letter of property name in json

FritzTheCat9 commented 6 months ago

In Blazor property names in forms should start by upper case letter: Field is valid field is not valid Email ok email nope

FritzTheCat9 commented 6 months ago

Fixed by not serializing key values in dictionaries by lower case