I achieved 8th place in the "100 Commits" competition organized by DevMentors. Over 100 days, I developed the "YoutubeLinks" application, which allows users to create playlists from YouTube links and download those playlists as MP3 and MP4 files.
[x] Api sending emails should work correctly (check all emails) #56
[x] emails - check path with templates ({_webHostEnvironment.ContentRootPath}\Emails\Templates\{model.TemplateFileName}) does it contain all templates
[x] save api logs on volume (Logging/Logs folder in project) - create folder in container (works on windows)
[x] yt-dlp
[x] yt-dlp works on windows and linux (yt-dlp.exe is copied to container and yt-dlp is downloaded corectly)
[x] tmp folder exist in container
[x] GetVideoTitle should get title from yt-dlp
[x] GetMP3File, GetMP4File - check if file is renamed (guid -> title) and then if its deleted
[x] swagger http and https works on home /
[x] Blazor
[x] Dockerfile
[x] 7000 http
[x] nginx.conf copy to container
[x] copy published blazor files (YoutubeLinks\YoutubeLinks.Blazor\bin\Release\net8.0\browser-wasm\publish\wwwroot) to (/usr/share/nginx/html) on the container
[x] Docker compose:
Blazor wasm https works, redirection from http to https works but (untrusted certificate) #1